WRAP Engineering offers a variety of consulting engineering services tailored to your specific needs. For more information, get in touch.
Our computational fluid dynamics (CFD) experience results in ventilation system designs that are both fit for purpose and custom for the project (for example, car park ventilation modelling).
This provides projects with cost savings, additional saleable floor area and a vast improvement of coordination with other services and structure during design and construction – all whilst minimising risk of personal injury, illness or loss of amenity to occupants.
Throughout the construction process, we maintain lines of communication with the head contractor and sub-contractors to identify potential issues early, ensure conformance with project requirements and deliver quality outcomes.
We carry out regular inspections and are intimately involved in testing and commissioning processes. We facilitate practical completion, certificates of occupancy and building handover.
Building energy costs are rising rapidly, which will have a dramatic effect on building running costs.
Reducing the energy footprint of any building has tangible benefits. WRAP Engineering provides the following to help maintain and manage existing buildings:
· Building energy footprint analysis.
· Energy reduction designs through plant replacement.
· Provide existing building services condition reports.
· Planning of maintenance and replacement for plant.
· Asset preservation strategies.
As well as building services engineering consulting, we also provide Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) and specialist lighting design. Contact us for more information.